Need Prayer?

At TNLCM, we believe in the power of prayer. Whatever the situation, submit a request and we’ll pray with you for that need


Faith Groups

Are you interested in studying the Bible in a small group? We’d like to meet with you


Is not perfection achieved. It’s Jesus believed. Forgiveness received. Spirit conceived. And discipleship proceeds.


Miss a Service?

That’s too bad. Check out Media to listen online & download session outline.

Welcome Address

We warmly welcome you to The New Life in Christ Ministry. Our desire for you is that we will be opportune to serve you with the gifts and skills God has endowed us with as a church family. We are passionate about your salvation, happiness, and personal fulfillment. You can expect to discover your God-given purpose and potential, receive wisdom to assist you in achieving them, experience the power of God to heal and deliver your spirit, soul, and body and also find avenues to serve God and the community.

Our commitment to everybody is to create platforms and opportunities for the release of potentials. Kindly go through our website to get familiar with our vision, mission, strategy, and structure. May God’s richest and best be yours now and always. Fulfilling Purpose

Pastor & Pastor mrs Olawale Joshua

Our Church Weekly Activities

  • Every Sunday @ 11.00am

    Workers' Prayer: 8:30am / Sunday School: 9:30am

  • Every Monday Morning @ 6.00am

    Testimonies abound through this programme.

  • Every Wednesday @ 10.00am

    A deliverance programme 

  • Every Wednesday @ 7.00pm

    A time to study and learn at the feet of Jesus.

  • Every Friday @ 12.00 noon

    We come together to seek God's face for mercy

  • Every Friday @ 7.00pm

    Prayer Meeting - Pray Until Something Happens "PUSH

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